

Isn't it amazing how a friendship can really empower you! I love the way ours is one of encouragement, sharing and enthusiasm centered on our love for God and the gift He has given us. It is such a powerful combination producing the most amazing energy that far exceeds anything we know on an individual basis.  What wonderful potential leading us on the most amazing journeys.

I hope we can inspire and give you fuel for your creative journey through this blog, that through our workshop we can share our knowledge, passion, and energy with you and lead you to the path of freedom from fear in your creativity:

Part of any friendship is accountability. We hope to humbly be accountable to you and to one another to guard our God given passions and treat our daily creative time sacred. We pray that this will encourage you to do the same.

Finally friendship is a joy and in our joy let’s remember, as the poet Rilke wrote, to love the questions along the way, not rush for the solutions but allow the process to fuel our passion, bring our full measure of sensitivity to the easel and finally ”be gentle to those left behind.”

1 comment:

  1. Rene Stubblefield2/02/2011 2:42 PM

    "...not rush for the solutions." I love this approach to growth. Sometimes the best work we can do is - till the ground, so to speak. Break it loose from old fears, bad habits, procrastinations and excuses. And then prayerfully wait. Inspiration will come! Fresh ideas will fall on this fertile ground like seeds dropped from above. Somedays it's all about the process....other days, it's the product. Either way, we are growing!
